April 9, 1975
Vol. 3  Issue 13

Rider Photo Search

Here is how the photo search works. If you know the number of the bike you raced, enter it into the "Bike Number" box. If you can't quite remember whether it was 32 or 327, enter 32 and the search will retrieve all the photos with the number 32. The more numbers you can match the less results you will have to look through. (ex. searching for "32" will contain less than searching for "2"

Bob Hannah before he rode for Factory Yamaha on the Nationl Circuit rode a Suzuki for DG Performance with a the number 6h. Knowing this you can search for "Bob", "Hannah", "6", "H" or "6H" to find photos of Bob.

Identifing Riders

If you find a photo of a rider you can indentify, please note the Photo ID # and send us an email with the person's first name, last name, class, track and race org. The person who can identify the most people each week will recieve a FREE So. California Motocross T-Shirt.

If you want to see all the photos available. Leave all the search fields blank and click on the search button.

Bike Number:
Race Org:
Racing Class:
First Name:
Last Name: